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Singapore > Chinatown Travelogue > Page 20 of 38 Pages

96) Air 1982 Serviced Apartments

Air 1982 Serviced Apartments.
Air 1982 Serviced Apartments.

Turn left at the intersection into Mohammed Ali Lane and observe the wall mural that is at the intersection to South Bridge Rd.

97) Old Trades wall Mural by Yip Yew Chong at Mohammed Ali Lane

Yip Yew Chong depicted a lion dance custume maker, upstairs woman buying from a downstairs mama shop (Mama in Tamil means Uncle or Elder, as these provision shops were traditionally run and owned by Indian uncles.) via a stringed basket, two samsui women sitting and a mask street vendor in this mural.

Old Trades wall Mural by Yip Yew Chong at Mohammed Ali Lane.
Old Trades wall Mural by Yip Yew Chong at Mohammed Ali Lane.

Once on South Bridge Rd, observe the heritage buildings in front of you and turn left on South Bridge Rd and continue walking.

98) Heritage buildings at South Bridge Rd and Sago St

Heritage buildings at South Bridge Rd and Sago St.
Heritage buildings at South Bridge Rd and Sago St.

99) Heritage buildings at South Bridge Rd and Mosque St

Heritage buildings at South Bridge Rd and Mosque St.
Heritage buildings at South Bridge Rd and Mosque St.

100) Statue of a man barbecuing bakkwa inside Kim Joo Guan at 287 South Bridge Rd

Statue of a man barbecuing bagua (barbecued meat using coal) inside Kim Joo Guan at 287 South Bridge Rd.
Statue of a man barbecuing bagua (barbecued meat using coal) inside Kim Joo Guan at 287 South Bridge Rd.

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